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HAMA 블로그
안전하게 사용하는 Golang 본문
1. 메모리에서의 안전요소
Go: Memory Safety with Bounds Check
ℹ️ This article is based on Go 1.13.
Golang and Rustlang Memory Safety - InsanityBit
I recently read an excellent blog post by Scott Piper about a tool he has released called Serene. The tool analyzes a binary to see if it has been compiled with security mitigation techniques - essentially a sanity check for best practices. As I was readin
* Go에서 디폴트로 지원하지 않아서 Go는 메모리세이프한 언어라고 하기 좀 머하다는 Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR)이란?
Golang data races to break memory safety
Go is becoming more and more popular as a programming language and getting more scrutiny from a security point of view. You might remember m...
2. 웹서비스에서의 안전요소
Top 6 security best practices for Go - Sqreen Blog
In this post, we'll cover top six security practices that you need to consider when developing with Go and determine how to apply these practices.
3. 동시성에서의 안전요소
Go concurrency considered harmful
Go has been gaining a ton of popularity as of late. I’ve been using Go for work, working on container management software. Before that, I…
Golang: Candidates and Contexts — A Heuristic Approach to Race Condition Detection
Concurrency In GO
'Go' 카테고리의 다른 글
Go 언어에서 포인터는 언제 사용 해야 하나? (0) | 2019.10.11 |
go microservices (0) | 2019.02.28 |
[Golang] recover 는 언제 사용하나? (1) | 2019.02.22 |
고성능을 위한 GO (0) | 2019.02.13 |
[이더리움에서 배우는 Go언어] select 의 거의 모든 패턴들 (1) | 2019.02.08 |